Adobe InDesign is a premier publication design software that is widely used to create a variety of print and digital publications. Publishers, graphic designers, and marketing professionals typically use InDesign to create books, brochures, flyers, newsletters, reports, interactive PDFs, posters, and magazines. Key features included enhanced tools for typography, layout, styles, interactivity, and integration with other Adobe services and products.
The list of documents, XML, indexing, and character keyboard shortcuts shown below will assist you to be even more efficient with Adobe InDesign on your computer.
Viewing Documents and Document Workspaces Keyboard Shortcuts
This list is not a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. It lists only those shortcuts that aren’t displayed in menu commands or tool tips.
- Temporarily select Hand tool Spacebar (with no text insertion point), Option–drag (with text insertion point), or Option+spacebar (in both text and nontext modes)
- Temporarily select Zoom In tool Command+spacebar
- Temporarily select Zoom Out tool Option+Command+spacebar or Option+Zoom In tool
- Zoom to 50%, 200%, or 400% Command+5, 2, or 4
- Redraw screen Shift+F5
- Open new default document Command+Option+N
- Switch between current and previous zoom levels Option+Command+2
- Switch to next/previous document window Command+F6 or Command+~ (tilde)/ Command+Shift+~ (tilde)
- Scroll up/down one screen Page Up/Page Down
- Go back/forward to last-viewed page Command+Page Up/ Command+Page Down
- Go to previous/next spread Option+Page Up/ Option+Page Down
- Fit spread in window Double-click Hand tool
- Activate the Go To command Command+J
- Fit selection in window Command+Option+(+) (plus sign)
- Display the entire object Command+Option+(+) Keyboard Shortcuts
- Go to parent page while Pages panel is closed Command+J, type prefix of parent, press Return
- Cycle through units of measurement Shift+Option+Command+U
- Snap guide to ruler increments Shift–drag guide
- Switch between page and spread guides (creation only) Command–drag guide
- Temporarily turn on/off snap to Control-drag object
- Create vertical and horizontal ruler guides for the spread Command–drag from zero point
- Select all guides Option+Command+G
- Lock or unlock zero point Control–click zero point and choose an option
- Use current magnification for view threshold of new guide Option–drag guide
- Select buttons in alert dialog boxes Press first letter of button name
- Show information on installed plug ins and InDesign components Command+InDesign menu > About InDesign
XML Keyboard Shortcuts
This list is not a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. It lists only those shortcuts that aren’t displayed in menu commands or tool tips.
- Expand/Collapse element Right Arrow/Left Arrow
- Expand/Collapse element and child elements Option+Right Arrow/ Option+Left Arrow
- Extend XML selection up/down Shift+Up Arrow/ Shift+Down Arrow
- Move XML selection up/down Up Arrow/ Down Arrow
- Scroll structure pane up/down one screen Page Up/ Page Down
- Select first/last XML node Home/ End
- Extend selection to first/last XML node Shift+Home/ Shift+End
- Go to previous/next validation error Command+Left Arrow/ Command+Right Arrow
- Automatically tag text frames and tables Command+Option+Shift+F7
Indexing Keyboard Shortcuts
This list is not a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. It lists only those shortcuts that aren’t displayed in menu commands or tool tips.
- Create index entry without dialog box (alphanumeric only) Shift+Command+Option+[
- Open index entry dialog box Command+7
- Create proper name index entry (last name, first name) Shift+Command+Option+]
Character and Paragraph Styles Keyboard Shortcuts
This list is not a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. It lists only those shortcuts that aren’t displayed in menu commands or tool tips.
- Make character style definition match text Select text and press Shift+Option+Command+C
- Make paragraph style definition match text Select text and press Shift+Option+Command+R
- Change options without applying style Shift+Option+Command-double-click style
- Remove style and local formatting Option-click paragraph style name
- Clear overrides from paragraph style Option+Shift-click paragraph style name
- Show/hide Paragraph and Character Styles panels, respectively Command+F11, Command+Shift+F11