Microsoft OneNote is a popular app for managing information from personal notes to organising research. Main features include notes management, text editing, multimedia integration, drawings, annotations, web clipping, handwriting recognition, and integration with numerous other Microsoft services.

The following keyboard shortcuts will make your usage of Microsoft OneNote on your Mac more efficient and productive.

  • Create a new page  Cmd+N
  • Undo the previous action  Cmd+Z
  • Redo the previous action, if possible  Cmd+Y
  • Cut the selected content to the clipboard  Cmd+X
  • Copy the selected content to the clipboard  Cmd+C
  • Paste the contents of the clipboard  Cmd+V
  • Open a notebook  Cmd+O
  • Enter or exit the full-screen mode  Cmd+Control+F
  • Close the current notebook  Cmd+Shift+W
  • Synchronize this notebook  Cmd+S
  • Synchronize all notebooks  Cmd+Shift+S
  • Select all items on the current page  Cmd+A
  • To expand the selection scope, press Cmd+A again
  • Select the page title  Cmd+Shift+T
  • Increase the paragraph indent  Cmd+Right bracket (])
  • Decrease the paragraph indent Cmd+Left bracket ([)
  • Zoom in  Cmd+Plus sign (+)
  • Zoom out  Cmd+Minus sign (-)
  • Reset the zoom magnification  Cmd+0
  • Collapse an expanded outline  Control+Shift+Plus sign (+)
  • Expand a collapsed outline  Control+Shift+Minus sign (-)
  • Open the selected link  Return or Shift+Return
  • Copy the selected formatting  Cmd+Option+C
  • Paste the copied formatting  Cmd+Option+V
  • Find text on the page  Cmd+F
  • Find text within all open notebooks  Cmd+Option+F
  • Cut the selected content to the clipboard  Cmd+X
  • Copy the selected content to the clipboard  Cmd+C
  • Paste the contents of the clipboard Cmd+V
  • Copy the selected formatting  Cmd+Option+C
  • Paste the copied formatting  Cmd+Option+V
  • Promote (indent) the selected list item  Cmd+Right bracket (])
  • Demote (decrease indent) the selected list item  Cmd+Left bracket ([)
  • Apply superscript formatting  Cmd+Shift+Option+Equal sign ( = )
  • Apply subscript formatting  Cmd+Control+Option+Equal sign ( = )
  • Insert a line break  Shift+Return
  • Insert the current date  Cmd+D
  • Insert the current date and time  Cmd+Shift+D
  • Insert equations  Control+Equal sign ( = )
  • Insert emoji  Cmd+Control+Spacebar
  • Delete the character to the left of the cursor  Delete
  • Delete the character to the right of the cursor  Fn+Delete
  • Delete the word to the left of the cursor  Option+Delete
  • Delete the word to the right of the cursor  Fn+Option+Delete or Option+Del
  • Increase the paragraph indent  Cmd+Option+Right arrow key
  • Decrease the paragraph indent  Cmd+Option+Left arrow key
  • Move the selected image or object up Cmd+Option+Up arrow key
  • Move the selected image or object down  Cmd+Option+Down arrow key
  • Create a table column to the right of the current column  Cmd+Control+R
  • Create a table column to the left of the current column Cmd+Control+L
  • Create a table row below the current row  Cmd+Return
  • Create another paragraph in the same cell  Option+Return

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