Microsoft OneNote is a popular app for managing information from personal notes to organising research. Main features include notes management, text editing, multimedia integration, drawings, annotations, web clipping, handwriting recognition, and integration with numerous other Microsoft services.

The following keyboard shortcuts will make your usage of Microsoft OneNote on your computer more efficient and productive.

  • Open a new OneNote window Ctrl+M
  • Create a Quick Note Ctrl+Shift+M 
  • Dock the OneNote window  Ctrl+Alt+D
  • Undo the previous action  Ctrl+Z
  • Redo the previous action, if possible  Ctrl+Y
  • Select all items on the current page  Ctrl+A
  • To expand the selection, press Ctrl+A again
  • Cut the selected text or item Ctrl+X
  • Copy the selected text or item to the clipboard Ctrl+C
  • Paste the contents of the clipboard Ctrl+V
  • Move to the beginning of the line Home
  • Move to the end of the line End
  • Move one word to the left Ctrl+Left arrow key
  • Move one word to the right  Ctrl+Right arrow key
  • Delete one character to the left Backspace
  • Delete one character to the right  Delete
  • Delete one word to the left  Ctrl+Backspace
  • Delete one word to the right  Ctrl+Delete
  • Insert a line break without starting a new paragraph  Shift+Enter
  • Check spelling  F7
  • Open the thesaurus for the currently selected word  Shift+F7
  • Play the selected audio recording  Ctrl+Alt+P
  • Stop audio recording playback  Ctrl+Alt+S
  • Skip the current audio recording backward by 10 seconds  Ctrl+Alt+Y
  • Skip the current audio recording forward by 10 seconds  Ctrl+Alt+U
  • Highlight the selected text  Ctrl+Alt+H
  • Insert a hyperlink  Ctrl+K
  • Copy the formatting of the selected text (Format Painter)  Ctrl+Shift+C
  • Paste the formatting to the selected text (Format Painter)  Ctrl+Shift+V
  • Apply or remove bold formatting  Ctrl+B
  • Apply or remove italics formatting  Ctrl+I
  • Apply or remove underline formatting  Ctrl+U
  • Apply or remove strikethrough formatting  Ctrl+Hyphen (-)
  • Apply or remove superscript formatting  Ctrl+Shift+Equal sign ( = )
  • Apply or remove subscript formatting  Ctrl+Equal sign ( = )
  • Apply or remove bulleted list formatting  Ctrl+Period (.)
  • Apply or remove numbered list formatting  Ctrl+Forward slash (/)
  • Apply a Heading 1 style to the current note  Ctrl+Alt+1
  • Apply a Heading 2 style to the current note  Ctrl+Alt+2
  • Apply a Heading 3 style to the current note  Ctrl+Alt+3
  • Apply a Heading 4 style to the current note  Ctrl+Alt+4
  • Apply a Heading 5 style to the current note  Ctrl+Alt+5
  • Apply a Heading 6 style to the current note Ctrl+Alt+6
  • Clear all formatting applied to the selected text  Ctrl+Shift+N
  • Increase the paragraph indent Alt+Shift+Right arrow key
  • Decrease the paragraph indent Alt+Shift+Left arrow key
  • Align the paragraph to the left (Ctrl+L)
  • Align the paragraph to the right  Ctrl+R
  • Increase the font size of the selected text Ctrl+Shift+Right angle bracket (>)
  • Decrease the font size of the selected text Ctrl+Shift+Left angle bracket (<)
  • Show or hide the rule lines on the current page Ctrl+Shift+R
  • Insert a document or file on the current page  Alt+N, F
  • Insert a document or file as a printout on the current page Alt+N, O
  • Insert a picture from a file  Alt+N, P
  • Insert a sticker  Alt+N, S
  • Start a math equation or convert selected text to a math equation  Alt+Equal sign ( = )

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