Microsoft Excel is a popular spreadsheet application used within several industries for data organisation, analytics, and visualisations through charts and graphs. Excel offers many features, including spreadsheets, data analysis tools, formulas, mathematical functions, templates, data import and export, graphs, and charts.

The following popular Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts will make using Excel easier and quicker to achieve your daily objectives on your computer.

  • Paste selection Cmd+V (or Control+V)
  • Copy selection Cmd+C ( or Control+C)
  • Clear selection Delete
  • Save workbook Cmd+S  (or Control+S)
  • Undo action Cmd+Z (or Control+Z)
  • Redo action Cmd+Y (or Control+Y) (or Cmd+Shift+Z)
  • Cut selection Cmd+X (or Control+X)
  • Apply bold formatting Cmd+B (or Control+B)
  • Print workbook Cmd+P (or Control+P)
  • Open Visual Basic Option+F11
  • Fill cells down Cmd+D (or Control+D)
  • Fill cells right Cmd+R (or Control+R)
  • Insert cells Control+Shift+Equal sign ( = )
  • Delete cells Cmd+Hyphen (-) (or Control+Hyphen (-))
  • Calculate all open workbooks Cmd+Equal sign ( = ) (or F9)
  • Close window Cmd+W (or Control+W)
  • Quit Excel Cmd+Q
  • Display the Go To dialog box Control+G (or F5)
  • Display the Format Cells dialog box Cmd+1 (or Control+1)
  • Display the Replace dialog box Control+H (or Cmd+Shift+H)
  • Use Paste Special Cmd+Control+V (or Control+Option+V)
  • Apply underline formatting Cmd+U
  • Apply italic formatting Cmd+I (or Control+I)
  • Open a new blank workbook Cmd+N (or Control+N)
  • Create a new workbook from template Cmd+Shift+P
  • Display the Save As dialog box Cmd+Shift+S (or F12)
  • Display the Help window F1 (or Cmd+Forward slash (/))
  • Select all Cmd+A (or Cmd+Shift+Spacebar)
  • Add or remove a filter Cmd+Shift+F (or Control+Shift+L)
  • Minimize or maximize the ribbon tabs Cmd+Option+R
  • Display the Open dialog box Cmd+O (or Control+O)
  • Check spelling F7
  • Open the thesaurus Shift+F7
  • Display the Formula Builder Shift+F3
  • Open the Define Name dialog box Cmd+F3
  • Insert or reply to a threaded comment Cmd+Return
  • Insert a new sheet * Shift+F11
  • Print preview Cmd+P (or Control+P)
  • Hide the selected columns   Ctrl+0


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