Microsoft Word is the most popular document creation and document editing tool in the world, used by thousands of schools, governments, and companies all over the world. Employees and students spend hours each day completing tasks and documentation with Microsoft Word. Here is a list of the most popular keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word that will save you hours each day.

  • Undo the previous action command+Z or F1
  • Redo the previous action command+Y
  • Cut the selected content to the Clipboard command+X or F2
  • Copy the selected content to the Clipboard command+C or F3
  • Paste the contents of the Clipboard command+V or F4
  • Display the shortcut menu for the selected item * Shift+F10
  • Display the Go To dialog box command+Option+G or F5
  • Display the Spelling and Grammar dialog box command+Option+L or F7
  • Enable extended selection mode F8
  • Switch to the next window command+Grave accent ( ` )
  • Switch to the previous window command+Shift+Grave accent (`)
  • Display the Save As dialog box command+Shift+S
  • Find text (move focus to the Search in Document box) command+F
  • Display the Find and Replace pane control+H
  • Display the Print dialog box command+P
  • Close the current document command+F4
  • Expand or minimize the ribbon command+option+R
  • Open the Dictionary Option+Shift+F7
  • Increase the font size command+Shift+Right angle bracket (>)
  • Decrease the font size command+Shift+Left angle bracket (<)
  • Increase the font size by 1 point command+Right bracket (])
  • Decrease the font size by 1 point command+Left bracket ([)
  • Display the Font dialog box command+D
  • Switch the text between upper case, lower case, and title case Shift+F3
  • Change the text to all upper case command+Shift+A
  • Apply bold formatting command+B
  • Add a bulleted list command+Shift+L
  • Apply underline formatting command+U
  • Apply underline formatting to the words, but not the spaces command+Shift+W
  • Apply double-underline formatting command+Shift+D
  • Apply italics formatting command+I
  • Apply small caps formatting command+Shift+K
  • Apply strike-through formatting command+Shift

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