Microsoft Word is the most popular document creation and document editing tool in the world, used by thousands of schools, governments, and companies all over the world. Employees and students spend hours each day completing tasks and documentation with Microsoft Word. Here is a list of the most popular keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word that will save you hours each day.

  • Open a document   Ctrl+O
  • Create a new document   Ctrl+N
  • Save the document   Ctrl+S
  • Close the document   Ctrl+W
  • Cut the selected content to the Clipboard   Ctrl+X
  • Copy the selected content to the Clipboard   Ctrl+C
  • Paste the contents of the Clipboard  Ctrl+V
  • Select all document content   Ctrl+A
  • Apply bold formatting to text   Ctrl+B
  • Apply italic formatting to text   Ctrl+I
  • Apply underline formatting to text   Ctrl+U
  • Decrease the font size by 1 point   Ctrl+Left bracket ([)
  • Increase the font size by 1 point   Ctrl+Right bracket (])
  • Center the text  Ctrl+E
  • Align the text to the left   Ctrl+L
  • Align the text to the right   Ctrl+R
  • Cancel a command  Esc
  • Undo the previous action   Ctrl+Z
  • Redo the previous action, if possible   Ctrl+Y
  • Adjust the zoom magnification Alt+W, Q
  • Split the document window   Ctrl+Alt+S
  • Remove the document window split   Alt+Shift+C or Ctrl+Alt+S
  • Hide the selected columns   Ctrl+0

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