Adobe Experience Design (abbreviated as Adobe XD) is an industry-renowned user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design software used to develop realistic UI and UX designs for desktop, mobile, and web applications. Product designers typically use Adobe XD to create interactive prototypes, wireframes, user testing, and real-world quality designs to envision or emulate the intended product. Adobe XD key features include design tools (vector design, responsive redesign, repeat grid), prototyping (interactive prototypes, voice prototyping, auto animation), collaboration (co-editing, easy to share for review, easy design specs generation), component and assets management (reusable components, digital asset management)

With its comprehensive toolset, Adobe XD is essential for product teams to develop prototypes for digital experiences and processes. Use the keyboard shortcuts for the interface, window, operation modifiers, measurement, specs, Vector, and prototyping to boost your speed and efficiency with Adobe XD.


Interface and Viewing Options Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Switch to Design mode  Opt + 1
  • Switch to Prototype mode  Opt + 2
  • Switch to Share mode  Opt + 3
  • Zoom In  Cmd + ,  Opt - Scroll wheel,  Opt - swipe (Magic Mouse),  Pinch out (trackpad)
  • Zoom Out  Cmd + -  Option-Scroll wheel, Option-swipe (Magic Mouse), Pinch in (trackpad)
  • Zoom to Selection  Cmd + 3
  • Zoom to Fit  Cmd + 0
  • 100%  Cmd + 1
  • 200%  Cmd + 2
  • Pan  Spacebar
  • Assets  Shift + Cmd + Y
  • Layers  Cmd + Y
  • Show Layout Grid  Shift + Cmd +  '
  • Show Square Grid  Cmd + '
  • Fullscreen Mode  Ctrl + Cmd + F
  • Switch between design and prototype mode  Ctrl + Tab
  • Switch between windows (files)  Cmd + Tilde (~)
  • Increase or decrease a value in a field by 1  ↑ or ↓  
  • Increase or Decrease a value in a field by 10  Hold Shift + hit ↑ or ↓

Window Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Maximize  Not available
  • Minimize  Cmd + M
  • Preview  Cmd + ⏎ 

Operation Modifiers Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Horizontal Pan  Shift + Scroll wheel
  • Vertical Pan  Scroll wheel


 Selection and Measuring Distances Between Elements

  • Enable measurements  Opt (with an object selected)
  • Distance from Selected Layer  Hold Opt and Hover over object/group/artboard
  • Distance relative to Selected Group  Hold Opt + Cmd and Hover over an object in the group


Design Specs Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Zoom  Cmd + Mousewheel, Cmd + , Cmd -
  • Reset zoom  Cmd + 0
  • Pan  ↑, ↓, →, ← Spacebar + Click-and-drag
  • Faster pan Shift + ↑, ↓, →, ←
  • Remove focus from artboard in Spec view  Esc
  • Navigate across linked artboards  Shift + Click


Vector Editing Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Start Editing Selected Vector Object  Enter
  • Stop Editing Selected Vector Object  Esc
  • Switch Between Straight and Mirrored Control Points  Double-click
  • Disconnect Control Point Handle  Opt + Drag


Prototyping Keyboard Shortcuts

  • See all connections in prototype mode  Cmd + A
  • Hide all wires  Opt
  • Preview  Cmd + Enter
  • Start or stop recording the preview  Cmd + Ctrl + R
  • Stop recording Esc
  • Navigate artboards in preview or shared prototype  Right or Left Arrow
  • Create a new line in the comment box of shared prototype link  Enter or Shift + Enter
  • Submit comment entered in the comment box of shared prototype link  Cmd + Enter

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