Adobe Lightroom Classic is a premier photo editing and photo management software developed by Adobe Inc. This software enables users to easily organise, enhance, and share photos. Key features include photo management, photo editing, graphics adjustments, photo healing, HDR, and panorama creation. Adobe Lightroom Classic stores photos locally compared to Lightroom Desktop (Cloud) where workflows and photos are stored in the Cloud.

Below is the list of panels, modules, views, screen modes, and secondary window keyboard shortcuts that will enhance your efficiency with Adobe Lightroom Classic on your computer.


Panels Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Show/hide side panels  Tab
  • Show/hide all panels  Shift + Tab
  • Show/hide toolbar  T
  • Show/hide Module Picker  F5
  • Show/hide Filmstrip  F6
  • Show/hide left panels  F7
  • Show/hide right panels  F8
  • Toggle solo mode  Option-click a panel
  • Open a new panel without closing soloed panel  Shift-click a panel
  • Open/close all panels Command-click a panel
  • Open/close left panels, top to bottom Command + Control + 0 - 5
  • Open/close right panels, Library and Develop modules, top to bottom  Command + 0 - 9
  • Open/close right panels, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules, top to bottom  Command + 1 - 7
  • Redo  Command + Shift + Z
  • Undo  Command + Z


Navigating Modules Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Go to Library module  Command + Option + 1
  • Go to Develop module  Command + Option + 2
  • Go to Map module  Command + Option + 3
  • Go to Book module  Command + Option + 4
  • Go to Slideshow module  Command + Option + 5
  • Go to Print module  Command + Option + 6
  • Go to Web module  Command + Option + 7
  • Go back / go forward  Command + Option + Left Arrow / Command + Option + Right Arrow
  • Go back to previous module  Command + Option + Up Arrow


Book Module Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Double page view  Command + R
  • Multi-page view  Command + E
  • Next view mode  Command + =
  • Previous view mode  Command + -
  • Single page view  Command + T
  • Zoomed single-page view  Command + U
  • Create Saved Book  Command + S
  • Update Metadata captions  Command + M
  • Copy Book layout  Command + Shift + C
  • Paste Layout  Command + Shift + V
  • Remove Page  Command + Shift + Backspace
  • Select photo cells  Command + Shift + Option + A
  • Select text cells  Command + Option + A
  • Show / Hide Filter Text  Command + Shift + H
  • Show / Hide text safe area  Command + Shift + U


Changing Views and Screen Modes Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Enter Library Loupe view  E
  • Enter Library Grid view  G
  • Enter Library Compare view  C
  • Enter Library Survey view  N
  • Open selected photo in the Develop module  D
  • Cycle forward / backward through Lights Out modes  L / Shift + L
  • Toggle Lights Dim mode  Command + Shift + L
  • Cycle screen modes  F
  • Previous screen mode  Shift + F
  • Switch between Normal and full-screen, hide panels  Command + Shift + F
  • Go to Normal screen mode  Command + Option + F
  • Cycle info overlay  I
  • Show/hide info overlay  Command + I
  • Open Reference view  Shift + R
  • Enable loupe overlay in the Library  Command + Option + O
  • Enable and choose loupe overlay in the Library  Command + Shift + Option + O
  • Show Grid view styles  Command + Shift + X
  • Zoom to 100  Command + Option + 0
  • Open People View in the Library module  O



Using a Secondary Window Keyboard Shortcuts

Note: The shortcuts for using the secondary window are the same as the equivalent shortcuts in the Library module, with the Shift key added.
  • Open secondary window  Command + F11
  • Enter Grid view Shift + G
  • Enter normal Loupe view  Shift + E
  • Enter locked Loupe view  Command + Shift + Return
  • Enter Compare view  Shift + C
  • Enter Survey view  Shift + N
  • Enter Slideshow view  Command + Option + Shift + Return
  • Enter full-screen mode (requires a second monitor)  Command + Shift + F11
  • Show/hide Filter bar  Shift + \
  • Zoom in / zoom out  Command + Shift + = / Command + Shift + -

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